2022 - 2024

2025 has been designated by the United Nations as the "Year of Quantum Science and Technology" to mark the 100th anniversary of quantum computing and to highlight its role in driving key innovations such as supercomputing, communication, and cybersecurity.
The objective of this initiative is to raise global awareness of quantum technology as a potential solution to global challenges such as healthcare, medicine development and sustainable energy.
Quantum science inspires many artists because it challenges traditional views of reality with ideas such as uncertainty, multiple realities, and interconnectedness. These concepts align with artistic themes of ambiguity, making quantum a rich source of creative exploration.
When researchers begin studying quantum mechanics, the situation changes simply by observing it. This principle, known as the "observer effect," suggests that the act of measurement in quantum systems can alter the state of what is being observed. In quantum mechanics, particles exist in a state of superposition, meaning they can be in multiple states at once. However, when measured, this superposition collapses into a single, defined state. This fundamental concept challenges our classical understanding of reality and highlights the interconnected nature of observation and physical systems.
Erwin van den Brande uses metadata, AI, and digital systems to visualize the observer effect in quantum mechanics. By leveraging these tools, he creates visual representations that make abstract quantum concepts, like changes caused by observation, more accessible and tangible.​​​​​​​

Quantum Entanglement
Galilean Principle of Relativity
Observer effect
Wave Particle Duality I
Wave Particle Duality II
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